OPCS 2023


  Teacher Wu



  Editor Bao




  Template download

Submission Deadline    

October 21, 2023

Registration Deadline

October 27, 2023




Indexed by

Contact Us

The secretary of OPCS 2023 will collect your paper contributions and respond to your queries. The paper review process will be completed by the Organizing Committee and Technical Committee members.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our conference secretary.


Email: OPCS@163.com


  Teacher Wu

17871141207: 3063623339

  Editor Bao

: 15972908436, 3321420438

  Editor Ke

15927552810, : 857134578

  Editor Ye

: 17612712654, 814553128


(AM 9:00-PM 12:00, PM 14:00-PM 17:00, Monday to Friday)






2023 International Conference on Optics, Physics and Computational Science© OPCS 2023All rights reserved

Email: OPCS@163.com